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“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:20

Purpose: To build meaningful relationships with other outdoorsmen for the purpose of leading them to, or back to, Jesus Christ.

Speakers: Dane LePlatt

Dates: Primary check-in will begin on Thursday, June 20th at 7:00 pm.  If you will not be able to check in by 8:00 pm on Thursday, please let us know ahead of time.  The event will officially end at 8:30 am on Sunday, June 23rd.

Liability:  All participants will be required to sign a liability waiver at sign-in.

Age Limit:  16 years old.  Participants under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian present at the event.

Lodging: LePlatt Lodge,  56, Rd 4275, Navajo Dam NM 87419 

Directions: This will be provided via e-mail.

Registration: First registered first reserved!  Residents in the 4 Corners region will be given priority.

Participant tickets – $200.00

Volunteer Leadership – Please contact Event Chairman, Dane LePlatt, at (505)402-6966 for approval.

 Volunteers needed for the Event:

  •   4 each – Boat Owners 
  •   4 each – Wade Guides 
  •   2 each – Non-Fishing volunteers

Fishing:  Volunteer leaders will take 2 people each to designated sections of the river. Driftboats will go from Texas Hole to Crusher. This is a fly fishing event. Please bring fly fishing gear along with a New Mexico fishing license.

**Note:  Volunteer leaders will be present at the event. Our volunteers are not compensated for the trip. No tips are allowed. While we keep fathers and sons together, usually you will fish with people you don’t know. This is done purposefully so please don’t be surprised. Please be flexible and plan to follow the instructions of your assigned volunteer leader.  Essentially, treat this like a fishing trip with a group of friends… this is NOT a guided trip.

Meals: Lunch and dinner will be provided for both Friday and Saturday. We will serve breakfast each morning.   Drinks and snacks will be available in limited amounts but plan to bring your favorite soft drinks. You may also want to pack food and drinks to bring with you while you’re fishing.

Freebies/Door prizes: Hat


  1. No perfect people allowed. Come as you are, no pretending.
  2. No drunkenness. Alcohol in moderation is allowed only after fishing is done for the day. Safety is a must!
  3. Please watch profanity. We want to keep the environment kid-friendly.
  4. Have a good time.

What to bring:  

  • Valid New Mexico fishing license
  • Waders
  • Fly rod
  • Other fishing gear
  • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Toiletries and bath towel
  • Snacks and drinks
  • A willing attitude that’s eager to help, make it work, and have a good time. Please remember that the event is led by volunteers.

Contact info: Please contact Dane LePlatt (Event Chairman) at [email protected] 

Schedule of Events

 Thursday :     

  • 5:00 pm          Volunteer Training & Dinner
  • 7:00 pm          Check-in
  • 8:00 pm          Welcome & Introductions


  • 6:30 am         Breakfast
  • 7:30 am         Leave the lodge
  • 8:00 am         Morning fishing
  • Noon              Lunch
  • 4:00 pm         Off water
  • 6:00 pm         Dinner  
  • 7:30 pm         Devotional and Group Time


  • 6:30 am         Breakfast
  • 7:30 am         Leave the lodge
  • 8:00 am         Morning fishing
  • Noon              Lunch
  • 4:00 pm         Off water
  • 6:00 pm         Dinner  
  • 7:30 pm         Key Note


  • 8:00 am         To-go breakfast served
  • 8:30 am         Free to leave or fish independently


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