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To build meaningful relationships with other outdoorsmen for the purpose of leading them to, or back to, Jesus Christ.

Keynote speaker:


Flight Assignments:

The event will be organized into Flights to ensure that new participants don’t get lost in the large group.  Each Flight will have a Flight Leader that will serve as the primary contact for all participants and a Flight Leader’s Assistant that will direct all hunting activities.  You will meet your Flight Leader at the sign in table.


Primary check in will begin on Thursday, January 3, 2018 from 5pm until 9pm at the sign in table near the front office of the resort. There will not be anyone available to check you in prior to 5pm or after 9pm.  Late check in will be on Friday, January 4, from 5am until 6am.  If you arrive after 6am Friday morning, please anticipate missing Friday’s hunt.   The event will officially begin at 6am the morning of Friday, January 4 and will end after the hunt the morning of Sunday, January 6.  Everyone must check out by noon on Sunday.


All participants will be required to sign a liability waiver at sign in.  Participants under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian present at the event.


We will be staying at Pelican Bay Resort, which is located at 4206 N Hwy 35 @ Pelican Bay Lane, Rockport-Fulton, Tx 78382.  Their phone numbers are 866-729-7177(toll free) and 361-729-7177.  You can obtain directions at www.pelicanbayresort.com, and a map has been provided below.  Lodging will be provided for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.


All hunting takes place via volunteers who are donating the use of their boat and gear for the weekend. Each volunteer will be assigned a hunting party for the weekend at random.  While we keep fathers and sons together, usually you will be hunting with people you don’t know.  This is done purposefully so please don’t be surprised.  We are encouraging the volunteers to take their parties on all day hunts Friday and Saturday, followed by a quick morning hunt on Sunday.  The purpose of the all day hunts is to make boating easier and safer by eliminating night runs and increase our effectiveness by hunting the mid day flights.  It should also create more down time for participants to interact.  Party assignments will be posted at your Flight HQ.  Please see your volunteer boat owner or your Flight Leader for assistance or special needs with regard to hunting.

Please note that our volunteer boat owners are receiving no compensation for their services and are paying for their spot at the event.  They are not professionals, and are simply volunteering their boats, gear, and know how so that you can have a good time.  Because of this, please take the utmost care of their gear and plan to share in any expenses incurred (such as gas for the boat).


All volunteer boat owners have the option of bringing their dog.  Any hunters wishing to bring their dog should contact Brodie Cooper to make certain that arrangements can be made.  Dog owners should use extreme caution due to the high amount of shell in the areas we will hunt which can cause great harm to a dog if proper precautions are not taken.  Dogs are not allowed in the Villa but can be kept inside the other rooms so long as they remain inside a kennel at all times while inside.  You will also be expected to clean up after your dog while outside of the hotel rooms.


Dinner will be provided for Friday and Saturday nights’ meal… and to celebrate our 20th annual event we plan on doing those dinners right!  Breakfast will be served Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning.   Drinks and snacks will be available in limited amounts.  It’s recommended that participants plan to eat lunch at one of the local restaurants in between hunts and pack their favorite soft drinks and blind snacks.

Freebies/Door prizes:

As usual, everyone present at the event will receive an event t-shirt and an entry for the door prize drawing.  Our first priority will be to ensure that every child receives a prize.

Raffle/Auction/Merchandise Sales:

In order to help raise funding for the ministry, we will be hosting an auction at the event. Participation is completely voluntary!  We will also have extra t-shirts, hats, and hoodies on hand for sale.  Please come prepared!


Donations are tax deductible!  Our events do not operate at a profit so we are dependent on donations to fund the organization and maintain the low cost nature of our events.  We are currently seeking individual, corporate, and church partnerships to assist in our effort to reach outdoorsmen.  Financial and merchandise donations are accepted.  If you would like to be a part of the Blast & Cast mission, please contact Brodie Cooper for more information.

What to bring: 

Fathers must bring a life vest for their child under 16.  Valid Texas hunting license with hunter’s education requirements, HIP certification, and state and federal waterfowl stamps.  Shotgun with plug.  Non-toxic shotshells (size 2 or 4 shot is best).  Waders, waterproof camouflage coat, insulated layering, facemask, camouflage hat.  Please bring a chair or stool to use in the field, and bring extras if you have them.  Duck strap.  An open mind, open heart, and a good attitude.

Contact info:

The event chairman is Brodie Cooper.  If you need information prior to the event please contact Brodie via e-mail at [email protected].  If you need assistance on the road or during the event, please contact him via phone at 832-330-8121.  We recommend that volunteer boat owners and their hunters exchange cell phone numbers at the event to stay in contact.

Schedule of Events


9am Volunteer training in the Clubhouse (mandatory for volunteer staff, but open to anyone interested)

3pm-10pm Primary check in near the main office

8pm Check in deadline for volunteer boat owners


5am-6am Late check in with your Flight Leader

5am Breakfast served at the Clubhouse

6am Welcome ceremony and safety guidelines at your Flight HQ

6:30am Scheduled departure for Friday’s hunt

7:30pm Dinner served at the Clubhouse

8pm Evening devotion at the Clubhouse


5am Breakfast served at the Clubhouse

5:15am Morning prayer at your Flight HQ

5:30am Scheduled departure for Saturday’s hunt

7:30pm Dinner served at the Clubhouse

8pm Keynote Speaker at the Clubhouse

8:30pm Voluntary raffles, auctions, and door prizes at the Clubhouse


5am Cold breakfast served at the Clubhouse

5:15am Morning prayer at your Flight HQ

5:30am Scheduled departure for Sunday’s hunt

Noon Check out and depart


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